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7 Ways to Make Use of the Leaves on the Lawn

7 Ways To Make Use Of The Leave On The Lawn

Fall is a wonderful time of year, and with fall comes all the beautiful shades of autumn leaves. Unfortunately, many of these leaves end up on our lawns. Even if you rake these leaves up, more leaves will fall. What should you do with all of them once they’re all raked? Alternatively, what could you do instead of raking the leaves?  Obviously, children and pets love jumping in a pile of leaves, but there are many uses for fallen leaves we never take advantage of. In many cases, we can use them for nutrients for your yard. In fact, by the pound leaves are richer in minerals than even manure is. Leaves are full of minerals absorbed by tree roots deep in your lawn’s soil, and all you’re doing is returning those same mineral nutrients back to the lawn. Think of it as recycling.

To help you out, here are 7 ways to make use of the leaves in your lawn.

7. Donate the Bags of Leaves

Did you know you could donate your leaves to local schools? If you bag your leaves, be sure to ask to see if any schools in your area want them, since they could be put to use in student projects. Also, ask your neighbors, since they might use the old leaves in compost or for mulch. Consider using a lawn sweeper for piling your leaves, since it tends to be faster and more efficient than a rake.

6. Using Leaves for Mulch

If you use mulch, this trick will save you time and money. Using your leaves for mulch will protect your perennials from the harsh, wintery conditions. Furthermore, it will protect some of your other plants from becoming frozen and dying.

5. Using Leaves for Compost

If you make compost with your grass clippings every summer, you can supplement it with dead leaves. Your old leaves are rich with carbon, and compliment the clippings, which are rich in nitrogen. When you add the leaves to your compost, make sure to add one inch of clippings after every 3 inches of leaves.

4. Use the Leaves for a Weed Barrier

Your leaves can be used as weed barriers, which keep moisture in your soil and prevent more weeds from growing.

3. Use the Leaves as Animal Bedding

Leaves can supplement hay for your animal bedding.

2. Preserve Leaves for Crafts

Do you, your spouse, or your children enjoy crafts? Leaves are can be used for making artistic projects, too.

1. Mowing Over Leaves

Mowing your leaves chops them up into small pieces, which will decompose and enrich your lawn with their nutrients. As a bonus, this serves as a faster alternative to raking. The hassle is minimal and it will go much faster than digging your rake from your supply shed and manually raking the leaves into piles.

After you’ve found a use for your leaves, what do you do about the rest of the care your lawn needs? Contact a Tahlequah lawn service near you for assistance.